As a physician, I should be presenting oral
arguments about the Constitution before the U.S. Supreme Court. If you read the article below, you will
probably agree with me by the time you finish.
But I digress. Let me first discuss
how school lunch guidelines were modified by “experts” to remove whole milk
from the diet of school aged children.
When I first went into practice, whole milk was the
standard dietary recommendation for all children below the age of 5. In my opinion, whole milk and other full fat
foods (including real butter) will always be better for children, as they need
fat for optimal growth and development.
However, childhood obesity has become a national epidemic. Despite the cause of obesity being multi-factorial,
reducing intake of whole fat dairy products was targeted to improve our diets.
Full-fat dairy products contain more calories, so “experts”
assumed avoiding them would reduce risk of obesity. However, when people reduce
fat intake, they tend to replace it with sugar or carbohydrates, both of which
have worse effects on insulin, diabetes risk, and weight gain overall. Absolutely NO scientific evidence exists that people
who consume low-fat dairy do better metabolically than those who eat whole-fat
dairy. Not one study ever demonstrated
children benefit from skim dairy products versus whole fat dairy either. So why exactly were “obesity experts”
recommending low fat dairy?
2010, the President put together a Task Force on Child
Obesity. These so-called “experts” who
reformed school
lunch guidelines decided to offer only low-fat milk or
skim chocolate milk (with its added sugars) at school and removed whole milk from
the menu. Guess what? Not ONE member of the Obesity task force was
an MD, let alone a pediatrician. Five of
the 9 members were lawyers!
To be fair, many of the dietary modifications were based on a report from the National
Academies' Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2009 entitled School Meals: Building
Blocks for Healthy Children. There was
one nutritional pediatrician involved.
Repeat. The opinion of ONE
pediatrician determined dietary recommendations for the entire nation of
school-aged children.
WIC and Head Start, responsible for supplying food
to economically disadvantaged children in America, followed suit and withdrew
whole milk as an option, allowing only low fat dairy products. You might be surprised to hear Pediatricians are
not setting WIC and Head Start policies either.
It sure is a good thing we have these lawyers/obesity experts out there
on the front lines fighting childhood obesity one glass of skim chocolate milk
at a time.
In a new study published in the journal Circulation,
Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and his colleagues reviewed blood samples from 3,333
adults in the Nurses’ Health Follow-up Study over 15 years. People with higher
levels of byproducts from full-fat dairy had a 46% lower risk of getting
diabetes during the study period compared to those with lower levels. In this
particular study, the connection between full-fat dairy intake and lower
diabetes risk remained strong independent of weight gain.
Another recent study published in the American Journal of
Nutrition, analyzed the effects of full fat and low fat dairy
on obesity and found that amongst 18,438 women in the Women’s Health Study;
those who consumed the most high-fat dairy products lowered their risk of being
overweight or obese by 8%. Research
suggests people who consume full-fat dairy weigh less and are less likely to
develop diabetes, too.
Now there IS convincing evidence whole fat dairy may
help lower the risk of obesity and diabetes.
At the simplest level, fat increases satiety by slowing absorption of
sugar, therefore regulating insulin and glucose release. People ingesting higher fat may not feel as
hungry and may have less craving for sugary foods. But as a pediatrician, what could I possibly know
about nutrition in children?
Having an MD after my name means I had to actually learn
the biochemical mechanisms in the human body for breaking down carbohydrates,
fat, and protein. When “experts” began
spouting off about low fat dairy products being better for children, most
pediatricians knew they were probably wrong before they finished their sentences. We are considered “experts” on the pediatric
segment of the population. Despite all those
years of education, we could not do a thing to change WIC, Head Start, and
federal school lunch guidelines.
Who knew I needed to be a lawyer/obesity expert on
the Childhood Obesity Task Force to really impact American children and their
diet. Hopefully, these scientific studies
will help point the “obesity experts” in the right direction. In the interim, it is high time this “physician/U.S.
Constitution expert” presents oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme
Court. How well do I need to understand
the subject anyway?
This frustrates me so much too! I recently tried to get whole milk from WIC for a child in my practice who is underweight. UNDERweight. As in obviously NEEDS the extra calories. And it wasn't allowed. Totally ridiculous. If they are going to allow chocolate milk, they should definitely allow whole milk.