A few call nights later, I discovered I had
contracted head lice. The hospital pharmacy only had Lindane in stock, which is
an older shampoo-type remedy, with negative side effects; but I was desperate. There was no hot water in the hospital to
make matters worse. Basically, I took an
ice cold shower, put on the medicine, stood there crying and shivering for 10
minutes, and then rinsed it out. That
was the “longest ten minutes of my life.”
A fellow intern with experience working in inner-city clinics sat on the
toilet in the ladies room “nit-picking” at me for three hours. Bless her heart. One week later, I used Nix (permethrin) to finish
off the job.
Over the last 16 years, I have been exposed
countless times. Whenever I am aware of contact,
I pick up a bottle of Nix, take it home, and prophylactically fight the theoretical
louse that might have hitched a ride. This
method has kept me lice-free for over a decade.
Yesterday, I was accidently exposed by head-to-head
contact with another child. Our nanny planned to stop by the drugstore on
her way home from my office, so I asked if she would pick up some more Nix for
me. She obliged. After picking my children up after school, I
had 1 hour to do a prophylactic treatment before evening activities began. I anxiously opened the box ready to get things
started and to my utter shock and dismay, both bottles were completely
empty. I did not know this was thing!
Apparently, someone had purchased Nix, used it at
home, put the nearly empty bottles back inside the box, and glued the top shut
(in hindsight, there was a lot of glue inside the box top.) Sadly, I returned to the store, explained
what had happened, purchased another two bottle package, and headed home for
some “louse and me” time. Hopefully, you
are laughing because I was not last night heading back to the store.
I have had more than my fair share of experiences
with head lice and various remedies over the years. Personally, I like Nix as it is the least
damaging for my hair. However, recent
reports suggest the bugs are resistant to this particular chemical. Malathion works well and 98% of lice are
susceptible, but apparently this chemical is flammable, so I am not confident
it is worth the risk. There is new Ultra
Nix, a product on the market using dimethicone type chemicals, which destroy
the little bug bodies and the lice eggs as well without being a pesticide. The hair looks greasy for about three days
afterward but returns to normal after a few baths or showers.
There are “other” remedies, such as tea tree oil
(possibly more preventative than curative), mayonnaise, olive oil, dawn
dishwashing soap, and additional homemade approaches. The science is still out on these, but many
patients swear by these methods so I include them here for completeness. Finally, it is worthwhile to mention an
antibiotic medication called Bactrim. Taken
twice per day, this medication damages the louse when it feeds on blood from
the scalp. Somehow it ruptures their
intestines. They did not even teach us this good stuff in medical school!
Last but not least, the often overlooked, yet most effective
way to treat head lice in children: manually pulling nits and combing out every
single tiny little louse. This can take
hours and is mind-numbing work; however it is truly the best way to end an
infestation in your child and in your home.
While there are some hard lessons in contracting
lice, I do hope you have more knowledge to rid your child of this pesky
critter. “Nit-picking” could be considered spending quality-time with your child. I know the return trip
to Walgreens to exchange used bottles of Nix gives new meaning to the word ‘memorable’ for me and always will.
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