If I have learned anything over the last 15 years,
it is that our job is not an easy one.
That is not to make excuses, rather to emphasize the fact that success
or failure can depend on circumstantial timing, making physicians look like heroes
or villains. Most doctors are doing the
best we can, but sometimes it is not enough to heal an ailing patient. It is the ambiguous nature of practicing
medicine, and it is our perilous reality.
Prior to that phone call, I had been on my way to
the gym. I was 27 years old and not much
for formalities, which is still true today.
Dressed in a sweatshirt (clean), shorts (modest), and tennis shoes, I
had my hair pulled back in a classic ponytail and wore no makeup when I first
met these terrified parents.
Studies have shown 75% of medical diagnosis is contained
in the history, 10% in the physical exam, 10% on tests and 5% where there is no
answer. As I began to take the history,
their six week old son started coughing.
He coughed and coughed until he turned blue, at which point I placed
oxygen on his face and became more worried.
I knew all too well, he most likely had whooping cough.
Physicians can be “sugar coaters” who hide their
concerns while gently reassuring patients and “bottom liners” who share the brutal
truth (sometimes more abruptly than they would like.) I try hard not to talk so much, but I cannot
help myself. Many patients like my “level
with you” approach, but occasionally, eyes glaze over as I share diagnostic possibilities
while brainstorming out loud.
This is one of those times I was a definitive “bottom
liner.” As I managed his airway and
called for help, I explained their son likely had pertussis (whooping cough)
and required transfer to the local children’s hospital for pediatric intensive
care. As I discussed logistics, the father
interrupts “How the #%&* do you know what is wrong with my son after less
than 2 minutes? He has been coughing for
more than 3 weeks and doctors far older and smarter than you could not figure
it out!” He was extremely angry, which
is understandable.
My top priority was to arrange for transport to the
closest intensive care unit quickly, so I reassured this father I would answer questions
after stabilizing his son. After
speaking with the pediatric ICU, I returned to find both parents crying. I had previous experience treating pertussis in
this age group and knew a whooping cough spell when I saw one. These parents understood the gravity of the
situation watching me provide bedside airway support and answer their questions
waiting for help to arrive.
Timing has a role in everything and in this case, was
on my side. Their son’s symptoms advanced
to the point where the diagnosis became more clear for me to look like the hero. In a twist of fate, this same father was working
in the ER when my husband got a piece of steak lodged in his esophagus which
required invasive removal. Life sometimes has a sense of humor and
suddenly, he was our hero.
Every year when this child comes in for an annual
check-up, I think back to the moments when I seemed like both hero and villain.
This fragile infant recovered and has grown into a young man. It is important that physicians be
intelligent, caring, empathetic, and work hard, but sometimes timing can make
all the difference. While I do hope my
future holds more days as a hero than a villain, this young man is a constant reminder
for me to be grateful to those parents who place their precious children in my loving
You said "Studies have shown 75% of medical diagnosis is contained in the history, 10% in the physical exam, 10% on tests and 5% where there is no answer." Can you please point me to the studies that you are referring to?